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演講者: Donald E. Morisky
主題: Drug Abuse and Public Health Workshop
職稱: 教授
演講日期: 2014-3-18

Drug Abuse and Public Health Workshop : 藥物濫用與公共衛生工作坊   上醫醫國,如何改變一群人的命運以及未來,一直是公共衛生工作者的一生職志,而衛生教育則是其中重要的手段,如何帶領眾人往健康的方向邁進,是一門重要的課題。本次工作坊邀請2013年美國公共衛生學會(APHA)的公共衛生教育及健康促進傑出成就?得主加州大學洛杉磯分校Donald E. Morisky教授,以國際人的觀點來討論藥物成癮的現況,以及如何改變它。獲獎無數的Donald E. Morisky教授1981年在約翰霍普金斯大學獲得理學博士,並曾任教於約翰霍普金斯大學。現為加州大學洛山磯分校(UCLA) 公共衛生學院社區健康科學研究所的教授,主要研究的公共衛生議題為愛滋病、藥物成癮、國際衛生,其於菲律賓的愛滋毒癮研究已超過30年。2006年至今擔任國內幾所知名大學的客座教授,如:陽明大學、台北醫學大學、中國醫藥大學等。於UCLA亦培養許多台灣留學生,其中已有多位傑出學生回國,擔任國衛院以及各知名國立大學的教授,與台灣頗有淵源。 It's our honor to invite Professor Donald E. Morisky to lecture about Drug Abuse and Public Health here in Taichung. Professor Morisky has been given three of the most prestigious awards in health education. The Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award was given to him in 2006 by the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE). The award is for a health educator who has made a substantial contribution to advancing the field of health education or health promotion through research, program development, or program delivery. His research was identified as making outstanding contributions to theoretical modes for changing health behavior, developed and applied in the research setting, which demonstrate the potential to impact health outcomes in large populations. In 2008 Dr. Morisky was honored with the Health Educator Mentor Award by SOPHE. This award recognizes individuals who have provided excellence in mentorship to health educators in their preparation, performance, and practice; and have served to successfully bridge the rift between practice and research. In addition, Professor Morisky was also awarded the Distinguished Career Award from the Public Health Education and Health Promotion Section at the 2013 APHA Conference in Boston. His research is directed to both chronic and infectious diseases, specifically the risk factors for HIV/AIDS and drug addicted population prevention. In global health, he has conducted research in the Philippines for over 30 years. Since 2006, he worked as a professor teaching in National Yang Ming University, Taipei Medical University and China Medical University. In UCLA, he has also produced a lot of outstanding Taiwan professors